4. Protect the environment

4. Protect the environment

Clean water
and sanitation
Affordable and
clean energy
Life below
Life on
We pay great attention to limiting the environmental impact of our operations, and give preference to partners that do the same.

Our commitment in real terms

Metal extraction operations downstream of the supply chain certainly have an impact on the environment. Therefore, we work to increase the sensitivity of partners directly involved in such operations with regard to the importance (economic and otherwise) of limiting this impact, giving them concrete help.

We have been collaborating for years with UN agencies and other partners to develop joint solutions to help reduce such impact.

For example, we work with Biodiversity International and CIAT (International Center for Tropical Agriculture) on projects aimed at helping artisanal and small-scale mines protect biodiversity in mining communities.

These projects are in addition to current ones with UNIDO, UNEP and GEF aiming to reduce and gradually eliminate the use of mercury in extraction processes, a practice that harms not only the health of miners but the local environment as well.

Our approach

Constant monitoring of consumptions and emissions.
Strict self-imposed limits: our classification as a chemical industry imposes very strict monitoring and very low legal limits. We try to self-impose even stricter limits.

Collaboration with public bodies to find shared measures aimed at reducing our impact.

Modern and avant-garde technologies for highly sophisticated monitoring in line with the latest environmental criteria.

Explicit commitments to institutions for the reduction of impacts.

External audits and certifications to assess our impacts and management approaches.

Increase the sensitivity of our business partners by means of collaborations that stimulate all parties to adopt responsible environmental behaviour.